Paralelismos de género en la poesía hebrea bíblica: la mujer del Cantar de los Cantares y el hombre del libro de Job

  • Julio Trebolle Barrera
Keywords: Gender Studies, Biblical Hebrew Poetry, Song of Songs, the Book of Job,


Gender studies in the Bible have not paid attention to gender parallelism in Biblical Hebrew poetry, which plays upon feminine and masculine references established between the cola of a verse, as, for instance «Let the husband (m) come out from the nuptial bed (m) / the wife (f) from the bedroom (f)» (Joel 2:16). This play of parallel references is a reflection of the symbolic representation of reality which characterizes Biblical texts. Poets have always seen and represented nature as a personified essence, be it in a masculine or feminine form. Gender parallelism acquires wider and more complex dimensions when it is verified on the level of whole stanzas or poems, as it happens in Song of Songs, and, especially, in parallel description of the bodies of the feminine and masculine Beloved. Parallel questions coined in order to identify a masculine or feminine figure from a superior and mysterious world («Who is that (m) who…?», «Who is that (f) who…?»), transform the feminine Beloved of Song of Songs in the prototype of the new woman, in parallel with the prototype of new man which the book of Job presents. Both figures stand in opposition to Eve and Adam from the Eden narrative in the book of Genesis.


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How to Cite
Trebolle Barrera J. (2005). Paralelismos de género en la poesía hebrea bíblica: la mujer del Cantar de los Cantares y el hombre del libro de Job. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 10, 225-247.