"Ad petendam pluviam". The petroglyph of Los Aulagares as a religious response to the climate event 4.2 ka cal. BP

  • José Luis Escacena Carrasco Universidad de Sevilla (España).
Keywords: Climate change, gods, prayers, Western Andalusia, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age.


The symbolic meaning of the petroglyph of Los Aulagares, in Zalamea la Real (Huelva, Spain), is analysed in this article. It is explained as the result of several prayers for rain. There they were represented a solar divinity and the drops of the desired water. This manifestation of rock art can be dated at the end of the third millennium BC. There was then an rapid and important climatic evolution –the event 4.2 cal BP– that increased aridity in the south of the Iberian peninsula. Paleoenvironmental data from Andalusia and La Mancha, but also the stylistic analysis of the engravings, enable to date and interpret the petroglyph as a religious response to the problem of constant drought.


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How to Cite
Escacena Carrasco J. L. (2018). "Ad petendam pluviam". The petroglyph of Los Aulagares as a religious response to the climate event 4.2 ka cal. BP. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 23, 81-110. https://doi.org/10.5209/ILUR.61022