The stubborn of believers and its treatment through the experiential comun(icat)ion and the invoced word

  • José Barrientos Rastrojo Universidad de Sevilla (España).
Keywords: Experience, belief, religion, community, communication.


Tools of a logical-argumentive rationality such as logic, conceptual analysis, definition or structured arguments are useful to sort out many religious conflicts; however, they are ineffective to resolve others. One reason for this unfitness is that the framework from which the second ones are discussed is not ideational but they belong to the believe world. The dissolution of beliefs (or, conversely, their building) requires a kind of rationality different to the logical-argumentative one: experience and communication will be their main bastions. This paper studies the limits of logicalargumentative rationality and it reflects on how experienciality can help to face religious conflicts not based on ideational basis.


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How to Cite
Barrientos Rastrojo J. (2018). The stubborn of believers and its treatment through the experiential comun(icat)ion and the invoced word. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 23, 13-30.