Eve and the triple T in the Jewish and Islamic traditions

  • Khaoula Trad Universidad de Hamburgo (Alemania).
Keywords: Eve, Adam, Judaism, Islam, tradition, Iblīs, snake, paradise.


This paper offers a comparative study of the decisive moment in the biblical and quranic story of Eve, generally perceived as having been the violation of the covenant made with the Creator. According to it, Adam and Eve were forbidden to approach the tree or to eat from its fruit, a fact that is generally perceived as having been meant to establish common and different structural elements. The violation of the divine order did not come out of nowhere; it had its causes and consequences. The triple T divides the violation into three stages. In the first one, which is the temptation, we encounter the incitement and the initiation to the transgressor incident. Then, in the transgression, we find out, how the disobedience happened. Finally, comes the tragedy, which includes the results and the consequences.


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How to Cite
Trad K. (2017). Eve and the triple T in the Jewish and Islamic traditions. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 22, 475-492. https://doi.org/10.5209/ILUR.57425