Dialectics and Demarcation of the Faith in Martin Buber. A Reading of "Two Types of Faith"

  • José Antonio Fernández López I.E.S. Alfonso Escámez (España).
Keywords: Emunah, pistis, trust, intellectual assent, Judaism, Bible, Christianity, dialogic principle, Hellenism.


This article makes a critical reading of two Types of Faith from an approximation to its sources and its context. Analysing two types of faith suggested by Buber, we identify the characterization of the same from the perspective of the history of religions. This raises the development, from a philosophicaltheological perspective, of a reflection on the Buber’s criteria of demarcation in the distinction between emunah and pistis, while on the image that of Jesus and Paul reflects his work.


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How to Cite
Fernández López J. A. (2017). Dialectics and Demarcation of the Faith in Martin Buber. A Reading of "Two Types of Faith". ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 22, 145-171. https://doi.org/10.5209/ILUR.57411