The Lie opposite to the Truth in the medieval controversies between Catholics and Heretics

  • Emilio Mitre Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Europe in Middle Ages, truth and lie, orthodoxy and heresy.


The controversies between the lie (important vitium linguae according to the moralists) and the truth (identifies with a superior idea and with the Divinity itself) have been very characteristic of the Christian medieval Europe. Supported by the biblical, patristic, scholastic and pre- Renaissance arguments, the quarrels have affected the academic environment (vg.: the theory of duplex veritas attributed to the averroist) and the totality of the Christian society (vg: the resource to the ordeal).


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How to Cite
Mitre Fernández E. (2011). The Lie opposite to the Truth in the medieval controversies between Catholics and Heretics. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 16, 173-202.