Política y estrategias de comunicación de Jimmy Carter en los tratados del Canal de Panamá. Un repaso desde el siglo XXI

  • Amparo Guerra Gómez
Palabras clave: Eight Points Accord, Omar Torrijos, Carter’s diplomacy and interdependence policy, Home and foreign front strategies, De Concini Amendments, US Senate and lobbyists, Media and leadership image, 1980 Presidential Campaign, Final Transfer Act,


Negotiating and signing the Panama Canal Treaties with Omar Torrijos, between 1977 and 1980, President Carter developed a short of political and communication strategies designed for the purpose, where both home front and foreign were main subjects in ratifying an issue that his Administration won with a very narrow margin in U.S. Senate. The essay traces a historical view of the process that shows the complexity of leadership and “new Democratic image” achievements and faults in dealing with an era of foreign interdependence.


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Cómo citar
Guerra Gómez A. (2005). Política y estrategias de comunicación de Jimmy Carter en los tratados del Canal de Panamá. Un repaso desde el siglo XXI. Historia y Comunicación Social, 10, 91-115. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/HICS/article/view/HICS0505110091A