Da Tarsis a Tartesso. Riflessioni sulla presenza greca oltre Gibilterra durante l’età arcaica

  • Luca Antonelli


Recent excavations in Huelva suggest to stress once again the role of greek trade, besides that of Phoenicians, in tartessic area during the archaic age: Euboians left several marks of their presence in the mythical tradition. After Euboians, Phoceans reached the Atlantic coasts: at a first stage, when Massalia hadn’t yet reached control of that traffic, they followed the same route as their predecessors. Many onomastic coincidences with other areas of phocean colonization (southern coast of the Black Sea, in particular) allow to draw this route, from north-western Sicily, to Libya, Balearic Islands and spanish coast, towards Gibraltar.


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Comment citer
Antonelli L. . (2006). Da Tarsis a Tartesso. Riflessioni sulla presenza greca oltre Gibilterra durante l’età arcaica. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 24(1), 7-26. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/GERI/article/view/GERI0606120007A