La violencia religiosa en la Historia Eclesiástica de Teodoreto de Cirro. Violencia contra los paganos. Violencia de unos cristianos contra otros

  • José María Blázquez Martínez
Keywords: Christian violence, Arianism, Orthodoxym, Athanasius, Hosius, Emperors, Councils, Julian, Theodosius I, Paganism and Arianism abolition, Destructions of Pagan Temples, John Chrysostom, Jews, Honorius, Theodosius II


This article studies the religious violence between the Council of Sardica and Theodosius II in the Historia Ecclesiastica of Theodoret of Cyrrhus, and it is the continuation from others about the same theme, in the Historia Ecclesiastica of Socrates and Sozomen. Also it´s studied the struggle between Arianism and followers of the Council of Nicaea, between Christians, against Jews and the Pagans. It’s studied the intervention, in these struggles, of the emperors, from Constantius to Theodosius II. It’s examined the notice of different councils, Sardica, Rimini, Nice, Nicaea, Milan, Constantinople. The importance of these councils in the struggle between arianism and orthodoxy. It’s mentioned the conduct of important persons during the struggles between arianism and orthodoxy: Athanasius, Hosius, etc. It’s inserted the certificates of the councils and the letters of Athanasius, of the emperors, of Damasus, etc., about the struggle. It’s studied too the violence in important towns of the Empire, like Alexandria and Constantinople against the orthodoxy, and the violence of the Arianism against different important persons in this moment. It’s occupied an important point in this struggle the dialogue between Constantius and the bishop of Rome, Liberius, and his exile. It’s studied tha Antichristian politics of the emperor Julian; the favourable politics to the orthodoxy of the emperors Jovian, Valentinian I and Gratian; the favourable politics to the Arianism of Valens, and the politics of Theodosius I, he abolished in the Empire the Paganism and the Arianism, and the destruction of pagan temples. It’s proof the religious politics of Honorius; of John Chrysoston and his struggle against the Jews and Pagans. It’s studied tha antichristian violence in Persian and the religious politics of Theodosius II.


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How to Cite
Blázquez Martínez J. M. (2011). La violencia religiosa en la Historia Eclesiástica de Teodoreto de Cirro. Violencia contra los paganos. Violencia de unos cristianos contra otros. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 28(1), 331-390.