¿Una especie de hagiografía? Plutarco y la tradición histórica en la Vida de Emilio Paulo

  • Manuel Tröster
Keywords: Plutarch, Aemilius Paullus, Exemplum, Biographical method, Historical tradition


The Life of Aemilius Paullus stands out as one of the most favourable treatments of a Plutarchan hero. Not only does the proem emphatically assert the biographer’s personal association with his exemplary subjects, but throughout the narrative Aemilius emerges as a virtuous leader and wise educator, embodying the tradition of mos maiorum and conforming to the model of the philosopher statesman. Consequently, the Life has been described as a piece of ‘pagan hagiography’ (Barzanò 1994/96), a deliberate attempt by Plutarch to suppress the less brilliant side of his hero’s career and to clear Aemilius of any wrongdoing. However, it is rather doubtful that the biographer’s sources provided a much more balanced picture. In fact, Polybius and Livy are no less generous in their praise for Aemilius’ traditional virtues and outstanding achievements at home and abroad. What is more, the victor of Pydna is attested to have been used as an exemplar of aristocratic excellence as early as the mid-second century BC. Of course, Plutarch chooses to re-elaborate this image, focusing on themes relevant to his own interests and experience. Nevertheless, he does not seek to construct a stainless statesman by grossly distorting the information at his disposal; rather he builds on the historical tradition and develops it in his own way.


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How to Cite
Tröster M. . (2011). ¿Una especie de hagiografía? Plutarco y la tradición histórica en la Vida de Emilio Paulo. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 28(1), 193-206. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/GERI/article/view/GERI1010120193A