La revalorización de la Tierra y de la “autoctonía” en la Atenas de los Pisistrátidas: el nacimiento de Erictonio y de Dioniso órfico

  • Miriam Valdés Guía
Keywords: Citizenship of peasants and artisans, Religious and cultural developments in Peisistratid Athens, Auchthoctony, Orphism


The creation of the political myth of autochthony presupposes the consolidation of an Athenian citizenship that include the demos of peasants and artisans; this situation is consolidated, before democracy, in the VI Century B.C., with Solon and Peisistratus, and fit with some developments (the “birth” of Erichthonius or the Panathenaia) that allow us to suppose the valoration of the autochthony idea in these moments. This valoration influences orphic literature that developed in those years in Athens –like Musaios cosmogony or the Lasos of Hermione Works - but, at the same time, are also influenced by chthonic components that are included, since the beginning, in the mythical and ritual orphic developments, as those integrated in the “Birth of Dionysus”, linked with the Lesser Mysteries of Agrai.


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How to Cite
Valdés Guía M. (2009). La revalorización de la Tierra y de la “autoctonía” en la Atenas de los Pisistrátidas: el nacimiento de Erictonio y de Dioniso órfico. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 26(1), 235-254.