La Cohorte I de astures y galaicos en territorio norteafricano

  • Narciso Santos Yanguas
Keywords: North African Conquest, auxialiary indigenious troops


Cohors I Asturum et Callaecorum was as a matter of fact recruited in the Iberian North round about the beginnings of the new era, and was trained in the military camp of the legio VI Victrix (or perhaps in the military camp of the legio X Gemina). It was first destined to Germania, from where it would march in Claudian times to Northern Africa to help annex that territory; after the conquest of the area it became part of the army used to occupy the province of Mauritania Tingitana. Shortly before 60 A.D. it marched to Illyricum, where it remained until the decade of the 90´s.; round about that time it returned once again to African soil, to the camp of Aïn Schkour to be precise, where it remained until its dissolution in the third century.


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How to Cite
Santos Yanguas N. (2005). La Cohorte I de astures y galaicos en territorio norteafricano. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 22(1), 245-272.