The Augustan Period in Lusitania: the Policy of Creating Cities for a New Provincial Administrative Reality

Keywords: Augustus, Hispania, civitas stipendiaria, provincial administration


The province of Lusitania was created by Augustus from the division of the Republican Viterior. Furthermore, its capital Augusta Emerita was also an Augustan foundation. Therefore, the work of Augustus in the new province is evident. But, beyond these two performances, the truth is that the Augustan plan in Lusitania went much further. In this sense, we will focus these pages on the analysis of the action carried out by Augustus regarding the indigenous Lusitanian peoples, an action that had a fundamental protagonist: the civias stipendiaria. Through a profound program of administrative reorganization and through the reality constituted by the civitas stipendiaria, the Augustan period led to the appearance of a completely new Lusitania in the territorial, demographic, legal or social aspects. 


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How to Cite
Paredes Martín E. (2024). The Augustan Period in Lusitania: the Policy of Creating Cities for a New Provincial Administrative Reality. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 42(Esp.), 245-278.