Some Considerations on the Authorship of the Priscillianist Collection from Würzburg

Keywords: Priscillian, Biblical Quotations, Introductory Formulas, Vetus Latina


The paper analyses the biblical quotations and the formulas for introducing quotations in the writings of the Würzburg Priscillianist corpus in order to highlight similarities and differences; the results may provide us with some useful clues in defining the authorship of the collection. Against the conclusions of the first editor Georg Schepss, this analysis shows that the Tract. V and VII differ from the Tract. IV, VI, IX and X, while the Tract. VIII is isolated; more intricate is the relationship between the Tractatus and the three apologetic writings.


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How to Cite
Veronese M. (2021). Some Considerations on the Authorship of the Priscillianist Collection from Würzburg. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 39(2), 485-501.