Changes and Continuity in Syracusian Democracy during the Middle of the 4th Century BC

  • Víctor Sánchez Domínguez Universidad de Sevilla. Centro de Estudios Francisco Maldonado. Escuela Universitaria de Osuna.
Keywords: Democracy, Tyranny, Sicily, Syracuse, Timoleon.


The expulsion of Dionysius II of Syracuse has traditionally been understood as the starting point that marked the beginning of a political change that brought the implantation of a democratic system in this polis, change that subsequently expanded to the rest of the poleis of Hellenic tradition in Sicily. The study of this political system, in comparison with those that preceded it, has allowed us to question the traditional vision withheld by specialists in the study of this democratic process, revealing a series of patterns that are more similar to the administrations lead by Dinomenids and Dionysians than to the previous republican legal systems.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Domínguez V. (2017). Changes and Continuity in Syracusian Democracy during the Middle of the 4th Century BC. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 35(1), 57-76.