The Laurel of a Relief of Augusta Emerita: Real and Figurative Nature in the Political Landscape of Augustan Rome

  • Manuel Bendala Galán Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Symbolic city landscape. Tree and nature in Rome. Roman urban.


Iconographic interpretation of the Laurel relief of Augusta Emerita, based on the conformation of the cityscape of Augustan Rome, with the tense coexistence within the city of nature and artifice. The Princeps is associated with the tree as a symbol of fertility and the serpent as a genius of place (genius loci).


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How to Cite
Bendala Galán M. (2017). The Laurel of a Relief of Augusta Emerita: Real and Figurative Nature in the Political Landscape of Augustan Rome. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 35(Esp.), 487-497.