Augustus and the Control of the Pyrenees’ Territory

  • Oriol Olesti Vila Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Pyrenees. Augustus. Cerretani. Iulia Livica. Gold. Latin rights.


The occupation of the Pyrenean areas during the reign of Octavian-Augustus, especially after the defeat of the Ceretans in the year 39 BC, has been regarded as the starting point for the process of Romanization of these territories, often considered marginal. However, recent archaeological work in the eastern Pyrenees have shown a much earlier Roman occupation, and an early interest in the exploitation of their natural resources, especially metals. The government of Augustus represents not a pioneering phase, but the fundamental period in the process of urbanization and political structuring of these Pyrenean communities.


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How to Cite
Olesti Vila O. (2017). Augustus and the Control of the Pyrenees’ Territory. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 35(Esp.), 163-190.