Triumphatores ex Hispania (36-26 a.C.) in the Fasti Triumphales

  • Sabino Perea Yébenes Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Conquest of NW Spain. Roman commanders. Prosopography. Triumphus. Rome. Augustus. Agrippa.


This paper shows the list of the Roman generals who participated in the last episodes of the wars waged in the Hispanic Northwest and who celebrated triumphs in Rome between 36 and 26/25 BC. The frequency of these triumphus had shown the importance of Hispania in the military strategy of Octavian- Augustus, as evidenced by their presence in the theater of war, and the subsequent assignment to Agrippa to “close down the conflict”. Agrippa, however, with more military merits than all who had preceded him in the war of the Spanish northwest, rejects the celebration of the triumph. The triumphus concept had changed: soon cease the inscriptiones in the Fasti-list in Rome, leaving the ceremony as an exclusive privilege of the princeps.


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How to Cite
Perea Yébenes S. (2017). Triumphatores ex Hispania (36-26 a.C.) in the Fasti Triumphales. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 35(Esp.), 121-149.