Assault of Cities during the Roman Republic (200-167 B.C.): Enslavement of Survivors in Contexts of War

  • José Antonio Martínez Morcillo Universitat de les Illes Balears
Keywords: Roman Republic, Roman Expansionism, Oppugnatio, Enslavement


The Roman Expansion in the Mediterranean World motivated the submission to the Roman dicio of a large number of populations. This phenomenon was implemented in several levels. The most violent of these interventions, the oppugnatio, implied a series of actions that affected the properties of the nucleus, but also the freedom of its inhabitants and their physical integrity. In the first third of the second century B.C., specially according to three variables (urban development, level of wealth and geographic location), we intend to ponder the legal justification for the enslavement of survivors and, at the same time, we try to determinate the factors which influenced in the differential implementation of this form of retaliation.


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How to Cite
Martínez Morcillo J. A. (2016). Assault of Cities during the Roman Republic (200-167 B.C.): Enslavement of Survivors in Contexts of War. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 34, 169-188.