Entorno escolar del alumnando de altas capacidades intelectuales frente a sus compañeros de distinto nivel de inteligencia

  • África Borges del Rosal
  • Carmen Mª Hernández Jorge
Keywords: High habilitéis, Adolescence, Social environment, Scholar environment, Intelligence


Social background plays a fundamental role in the development of children and adolescents, not just in the personal area but also in the scholar one. The most relevant groups of agents are the family, mainly parents, who do not only contribute with the material support for their own development but also in the necessary affective environment; the teachers, as being change agents and a fundamental figures in the learning process, who guide and drive their academic achievement; and the classmates, always important and specially during adolescence. The present study compares a high abilities teenagers group with their classmates of lower intelligence in the way they perceived their scholar environment. The results show that, although there are some differences, it can be concluded that high abilities students’ perception does not have relevant differences with their classmates, eradicating one of the several myths about these kind of children.


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How to Cite
Borges del Rosal Á. . y Hernández Jorge C. M. (2011). Entorno escolar del alumnando de altas capacidades intelectuales frente a sus compañeros de distinto nivel de inteligencia. FAISCA: Journal of High Abilities, 15(17), 36-49. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FAIS/article/view/FAIS1010110036A