Sobredotación, mujer y sociedad

  • Pilar Domínguez Rodríguez


High abilities and skills are not usually sufficient in gifted women with a view to achieving satisfactorily in accordance with their qualities. Success at school, at work, social responsibility and the unequal evaluation of all that in female is still a reality at the beginning of the twenty first century, where women are presented with controversial and conflictive options, messages in whichthey are forced to choose between their private, social and working life. These pressures, attribute to their psychological and social dependence and their enthusiasm suffery in their search for an answer and their levels of expectatios and goals. These questions must be addressed in matters relating to gifted children, teenagers and women. We can´t simmply wait and see, it is not a quarantee in allowing new generatios of gifted women to design with optimism their own project of life. The choice and the answer must be personal and free of presures.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Rodríguez P. . (2002). Sobredotación, mujer y sociedad. FAISCA: Journal of High Abilities, 9, 3-34.