El malestar en música en la obra de Wolfgang Rihm

  • Ivanka Stoianova
Keywords: Music, Unease, Suffering, Richness, Subjectivity, Otherness


Composer Wolfgang Rihm’s works highlight always in a different way and with such a remarkable force the unease underlying human sensibility, which is a source of suffering and richness as disturbing as fearsome. The musical and scenic narrative dramaturgy of his chamber opera Jakob Lenz stage the subjectivity of its main character, a romanticist genius tormented due to his internal unease. Whereas the dramaturgy and the choreography of the “danced-poem” Tutuguri reveal the explosion of the psychological subject and the conversion of the musical and theatrical spectacle into a ritual suitable for taking control of all the subjects. In these works, Rihms puts forth that, in the fullness of the experience with the artistic piece, we will be capable of reviving and possibly to reconcile with the disturbing otherness that constitutes our personality.


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How to Cite
Stoianova I. (2009). El malestar en música en la obra de Wolfgang Rihm . Escritura e Imagen, 5, 185-204. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESIM/article/view/ESIM0909110185A