Can Jean Epstein’s lirosophie be within the Aesthetics of affections?

  • Felipe A. Matti UCA-CONICET
Keywords: Æsthetics of affects, Æsthetics, Jean Epstein, Baruch de Spinoza, Lyrosophie


In this paper Jean Epstein’s æsthetics, developed in his work La lyrosophie, will be analysed to determine whether it should be included in the æsthetics of affects. Moreover, the lyrosophie must be considered as one of the most developed forms of said æsthetics. In order to stablish a link between the lyrosophie and the æsthetics of affects, the elements of the latter will be determined, first stablishing in which way and how art affects us. It is through the æsthetic living-experience that both the æsthetic experience and the animic (and emotional) state of the person are comunicated. By this, the way in which the work of art affects the person is kown. Finally, it will be concluded why I consider the lyrosophie essential in the study of the æsthetics of affects.


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How to Cite
Matti F. A. . (2022). Can Jean Epstein’s lirosophie be within the Aesthetics of affections?. Escritura e Imagen, 18, 9-26.