Chillida and Ullán re-write the (in)-blank book: "Adoración"

  • Isabel Carrasco Castro Marist College & Stetson University in Madrid
Keywords: Eduardo Chillida, José-Miguel Ullán, Bejamin (Haschisch), Unamuno (¡Adentro!), Adoración (Artist´s Book), the hand, the white.


The aim of this article is to release Adoración (Libro Blanco), an Artist´s Book conceived by José-Miguel Ullán in collaboration with Eduardo Chillida 1977. The study of the personal and creative life circumstances of each of the co-authors in the period when the Book was published, along with the analysis of its context, format and content, lead us to the texts: ¡Adentro! by Unamuno and Haschisch by Benjamin, and sheds some light on this complex project whose meaning still holds many questions. In addition, the artwork offers a new perspective on some key concepts of Chillida´s creative universe –and on the graphic one in particular– such as the idea of Artist’s Book, the value of white color in the work on paper, the symbolism of the hand and the relevance of religion.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Castro I. (2014). Chillida and Ullán re-write the (in)-blank book: "Adoración". Escritura e Imagen, 10(Especial), 263-284.