The border-line in the write and the image in "The invisible cities" by Italo Calvino and Pedro Cano: the development of the album

  • Gloria Lapeña Gallego Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: write-visual image, the album, picture book, painting, narrative.


This study takes the example of Le città invisibili narratives in two forms: the story (Italo Calvino) and painting (Pedro Cano). The purpose is to differentiate between the write and the visual image. The widow the writer instructs Cano illustrate the fifty-five cities, similar to the picture book. However it is not possible to merge image and writing. Finally, Cano’s watercolors are similarly exposed. This is similar to the evolution of the album from illustrated the picture book. The album in the creative process acquires a duality, not duplication, in perfect balance between the two forms of expression.


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How to Cite
Lapeña Gallego G. (2014). The border-line in the write and the image in "The invisible cities" by Italo Calvino and Pedro Cano: the development of the album. Escritura e Imagen, 10, 37-52.