Jean Luc-Nancy and Maurice Blanchot: the sharing of the unconfesable

  • Cristina Rodríguez Marciel UNED
Keywords: Blanchot, Nancy, Duras, community, death, writing, sexual relation.


From a personal circumstance, the author of this paper keeps up correspondence with Jean-Luc Nancy about the “readings” that each of them made about Maurice Blanchot’s La Communauté inavouable. At that time, Blanchot’s book appeared as a “response” to Nancy’s La Communauté desoeuvrée, being triggered off, from both texts, what, from that moment, was an unusual way to approach the question of the community. So, why the inclusion of an enigmatic second part “dedicated” to the Marguerite Duras’s book, La Maladie de la mort, in the Blanchot’s book? Why the inclusion in his book of a story about the nights that a man spends, complained about “the impossibility to love”, with a young woman with which the only thing, that binds her, is the contract for any paid nights and in which body he wants to find the life that misses him? The author of this work, “extracting” to Nancy himself a “response” to this question and in dialogue with him, undertakes her own research (not elucidate) of Blanchot’s text


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Marciel C. (2012). Jean Luc-Nancy and Maurice Blanchot: the sharing of the unconfesable. Escritura e Imagen, 8, 259-276.