Strokes. An aesthetic approach to the thought of Jean-Marc Chouvel and to his work "Tracées"

  • Cucho Valcárcel Departamento de Música del IES Villa de Vallecas de Madrid
Keywords: Stroke, drawing, sonic-face, sound image, existence


We interfere to ourselves in aesthetic confessions of the composer and fine artist Jean-Marc Chouvel, which we were taking like a nearing to stroke: poetical, visual, sonic. Many musicians develop a creative relation with the visuals arts. The drawings, the treads in the walk of life, suppose for Jean-Marc Chouvel, at this work, poem’s ensembles, aesthetics reflections, existentialists reflections, drawings. Does the reception of whatever sound image imply its understanding? And what are the analytical tools available to individual curriculum of life? Analytical individuals can augment their aesthetic discernment for the musical and literary art of their time. To that end, we believe that musical art must be thought of as one of the fine – or visuals – arts.


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How to Cite
Valcárcel C. (2012). Strokes. An aesthetic approach to the thought of Jean-Marc Chouvel and to his work "Tracées". Escritura e Imagen, 8, 125-138.