Style and Nature: the philosophic text as its author’s image

  • José María Ariso Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Keywords: Self-knowledge, religion, decency, style, nature.


When the style Wittgenstein shows in his Philosophical Investigations is analyzed, some authors take it as a mere eccentricity of the Viennese thinker, whilst many others consider it as a consequence derived from the peculiar method used in the Philosophical Investigations for dissolving philosophical problems by describing the way in which we mix and misuse language-games. However, we offer in this work a different perspective of Wittgenstein’s conception of style by analyzing a series of remarks in which he takes the style of his writings as an expression of his own nature: to be precise, the style someone shows when he writes about himself shapes an image of his own and non-transferable natur, which should guide all of his acts. Therefore Wittgenstein thinks this kind of self-knowledge is essential not only to live in a decent way, but also to become a deep philosopher.


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How to Cite
Ariso J. M. (2012). Style and Nature: the philosophic text as its author’s image. Escritura e Imagen, 8, 47-69.