Rome 1956: Ramón Gaya, a Bridge between Tomás Segovia and María Zambrano

  • Ricardo Tejada Université du Maine
Keywords: R. Gaya, T. Segovia, Z. Zambrano, aesthetics, exile, beauty.


The present article touches on the meeting occurred in Rome, in April 1956, between María Zambrano, Ramón Gaya y Tomás Segovia. After sketching converging points between the three authors prior to the meeting, this paper evokes and develops the memories of the two latter, and analyses their visions of the “eternal city”. Ultimately, it states that deep reason of that meeting was to make us discover a new poetic sense of the real. The three authors show us that the real can be solely be listened through a generous, passive and heroic effort toward the otherness and hence underneath ideologies, consumerism and all range of pullulating screens that prevent us from the real by erecting monstrous and lenitive realities.


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How to Cite
Tejada R. (2012). Rome 1956: Ramón Gaya, a Bridge between Tomás Segovia and María Zambrano. Escritura e Imagen, 7, 59-75.