Reformatio in membris: conventualidad y resistencia a la reforma entre los dominicos de Castilla en el siglo XV

  • Guillermo Nieva Ocampo
Keywords: Dominicans, Observants, Conventuals, Castile, Catholic Monarchs


The process of reform in the Dominican convents of Castile began with the reform of the convent of San Pablo of Valladolid and the subsequent creation of a Congregation detached from the authority of Spanish provincials. The actions carried out by the reformers, which found strong support during the reign of Isabel the Catholic, were violent. Hence most of the monks of the Order intensely resisted the “congregationists.” The reform’s ultimate triumph led to the topical elaboration of a representation that made the claustra – the period before the reform –a time of relaxation and calamities in the convents from the demographic and economic point of view, yet the documentation conserved qualifies and even disproves this image.


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How to Cite
Nieva Ocampo G. . (2009). Reformatio in membris: conventualidad y resistencia a la reforma entre los dominicos de Castilla en el siglo XV. En la España Medieval, 32, 297-342.