The office of the archdeacons in the diocese of Santiago de Compostela in the 14th to 15th centuries: chancelleries, notaries, and documents

Keywords: palaeography, diplomatic, chanceries, notary, archdeacons, Santiago de Compostela


The palaeographical and diplomatic features of the documents produced for the archdeacons have received little scholarly attention, a neglect due principally to small number of extant texts. Drawing on a collection of more than fifty documents, we analyse the offices where documents were issues, their staff (archdeacons, officials, and notaries), and their functions as well as how documents were drawn up. We also analyse the types of documents issued in these offices and how these were related to the physical features of the documents (the scripts, the writing medium, and the language).


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How to Cite
Ares Legaspi A. (2022). The office of the archdeacons in the diocese of Santiago de Compostela in the 14th to 15th centuries: chancelleries, notaries, and documents. En la España Medieval, 45, 169-195.