Public Information and Civil Protection and Emergency Legislation

  • Ángel Ibáñez Peiró presidente de la Mesa de Comunicación de la Asociación Nacional de Especialistas Profesionales en Protección Civil y Emergencias
Keywords: Public information, civil protection, self-protection, safety of people, serious collective risk, catastrophe, public calamity


Public Information, in catastrophic or emergency situations, is carried out from two distinct and, usually, opposing aspects. The "anything goes to increase the audience", which is usually used by private Social Media, clashes with the obligation of the Administration to inform, truthfully and without the need for the citizen to request it; that is, the idea that Information, in these cases, is a Public Service. In order to comply with what the Spanish legal system imposes on the different Public Administrations, it is not only necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the information to be disseminated, but also to keep in mind the security and certainty that, if necessary, it will reach the citizen in the appropriate medium in a timely manner. To achieve this, the appropriate technical and human resources must be available, including personnel specialized in the management of the information generated by ...

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How to Cite
Ibáñez Peiró Á. . (2024). Public Information and Civil Protection and Emergency Legislation. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 10.