The relationship between dissemination and transfer of knowledge and technology in CONACYT Public Research Centres in Mexico

  • Edgar-René Vázquez-González Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
Keywords: Public research centers, Divulgation of scientific knowledge and technology, Transfer of knowledge and technology


This paper presents the study of the relationship between release science and technology and the transfer of knowledge and technology in the system of public research centers of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), in order to identify the shared elements between release and transfer, and their contribution to promoting scientific, technological and innovation development of Mexico. It starts from the principle that knowledge is presented as the main asset for transformation and progress of the whole society particularly in organizations that have been created with the intention of contributing to the advancement of society through the realization of knowledge transfer activities and technology. The release is conceived as a tool to drive activities aimed at the transfer in the system of public research centers. The method underlying the work is qualitative, document analysis being one of the methodological

instruments. Once performed the analysis tools tend to have a relationship with the activities of knowledge transfer and technology of the system of research centers.



How to Cite
Vázquez-González E.-R. (2024). The relationship between dissemination and transfer of knowledge and technology in CONACYT Public Research Centres in Mexico. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 17, 73-86.
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