The right to meaning. Notes on law and semiotics

  • Roberto Pantoja-Díaz Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
Keywords: Right to mean, Communication, Information, Right to information, Right to communication, Computational paradigm, Mathematical theory of communication, Semiotics, Semiosis


Although the production of meaning (semiosis) is a fundamental feature of human communication, the legal formulation of the right to information not explicitly recognized by the influence it has lobbied on computational and mathematical view of information, which has limited the understanding of the ius-communicative phenomenon and favoured the imposition of meaning. Integrating communicative dimensions: data-meaning-intersubjective interaction, throw us a new comprehensive wealth that leads to the recognition of the right to mean as essential for building democratic dialogue.



How to Cite
Pantoja-Díaz R. (2024). The right to meaning. Notes on law and semiotics. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 17, 14-30.
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