Psychosocial, ethical and legal aspects of online reputation

  • Ubaldo Cuesta-Cambra Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
  • Sandra Gaspar Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Keywords: Online reputation, Ethics and the Internet, Social networrks, Psychology of communication, Collaborative conduct


Social networks stand as the largest area of interpersonal communication and group levels
affecting individual, social and transnational or global. Online reputation concept in this
framework refers to "what is said about something or someone and how this affects the way in
which interest groups (stakeholders) interact with him." This is a phenomenon mediated by ICT,
but rooted in important psychosocial aspects whose understanding is essential to establishing
appropriate ethical approaches, policy and regulatory environment to it. The complexity of the
problem, ranging from issues such as freedom of expression, intellectual property rights, the right
to honor and privacy, the right to oblivion, corporate reputation management, sexting, etc..
makes it necessary to propose a common foundation starting from collaborative social
psychology and ethics.



How to Cite
Cuesta-Cambra U. y Gaspar S. (2024). Psychosocial, ethical and legal aspects of online reputation. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 14, 58-68.
Artículos de fondo