Acceso to environmental information. A comparative essay on Mexico-Spain

  • César-Arturo Sereno-Marín Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
Keywords: Access, Public information, Environment, Transparency, Legislation


The access to environmental information has had an important development in Europe since the signing of the Aarhus Convention in 1998. From this international instrument approval, the signatory countries were forced to develop specific internal laws concerning access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters, seeking the true protection of the right to a healthy and balanced environment. On July 18th , 2006, in Spain there was published the 26/2006 Law, which regulates the rights of access to public information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters, with which its international obligations were fulfilled. Mexico, on the other hand, despite having passed a transparency law that allows access to all public information, has no specific law on access to environmental information. Due to this a comparative analysis is necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of both legislations.



How to Cite
Sereno-Marín C.-A. (2024). Acceso to environmental information. A comparative essay on Mexico-Spain. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 13, 97-114.
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