The right to cancellating personal data in private files in Mexico and Spain

  • Omar Frutos-Mendoza Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
Keywords: Informational self-determination, Private files, Personal data, Personal data protection, ARCO Rights, Right to cancellating data


The issue of the right to cancel of personal data held by individuals is fashionable in México,
because the applicable law dates from 2010, and it was not until January 2012 that Mexican
citizens have been able to exercise this right. Therefore it is extremely important to study the
situation of Spain on the right of cancellation of personal data stored in private files since 1992,
and thus be able to make a comparative study between the two countries, to determine benefits,
disadvantages, and thus to discern the uncertain future of this new law in México.



How to Cite
Frutos-Mendoza O. (2024). The right to cancellating personal data in private files in Mexico and Spain. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 13, 11-27.
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