Indígenas y medios de comunicación en México. Cuento Cruento.

  • Mardonio Carballo PERIODISTA MEJICO


The Maguey Maguaquite, municipality of Chicontepec, Veracruz, Mexico, 1980, last century, that's how life went by. Porfirio Cadena, a kind of "Chucho, el Roto" stole from the rich and gave it to the poor. Robin Hood of the Huasteca with "Ojo de vidrio". That's how we listened to the radio, the cousins cried when the "Glass Eye" was broken by the good guys in this Hertzian story. Kalimán also walked around for a long time, Serenity and patience until the next broadcast, Solín de la Sierra ... Also the villains, they all lived there in that little black box, that's how life pas



How to Cite
Carballo M. . (2023). Indígenas y medios de comunicación en México. Cuento Cruento. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 7.
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