Community radio stations after the new Audiovisual Communication Law

  • Elvira Calvo
Keywords: Third sector media, community radio stations, Audiovisual Law.


The media of  the Third Sector or alternative media have a long way in the audio-visual panorama and in defense of the right to the information and the freedom of expression. In spite of being recognized by international organizations as the UN, the certain thing is that the conditions deny his legal support to them. United Kingdom is the exception. In Spain,  the  new  General  Law  of  the  Audio-visual Communication,  approved  in 2010, endorses them. Nevertheless, one year and a half after its approval, the reality is different. The present article does a historical and legal tour of  the so called means of  the third sector and centres on the community Spanish radioes and in the principal problems which they face.



How to Cite
Calvo E. (2023). Community radio stations after the new Audiovisual Communication Law. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 7.