Positive free speech and public access to courts

  • Judith Townend University of Sussex (Reino Unido)
Keywords: Access, Courts, Council of Europe, United Kingdom, Information, Positive free speech, Public interest, Hearing, Transparency, Open data, Accountability


The author raises the legal difficulties of the public when it comes to access, in person, to the courts and even to judicial information in the United Kingdom. To do this, she uses both the regulations in force in her country and some decisions of the Council of Europe as well as two cases of clear public interest in her country that highlighted the aforementioned difficulties. Regarding these cases, she enumerates the strategies of the media organisations to try and overcome those difficulties and have access to courts and judicial information.



How to Cite
Townend J. (2024). Positive free speech and public access to courts. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 30, 1-23. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DERE/article/view/91239
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