Government Contracts & Transparency
Public sector contracts are incorporated into the activity of the public administration and cover
different areas and sectors with economic, political and social implications; they establish
objectives and purposes, and reflect ideals and interests for the Administration, for the parties
providing goods and services, and for those administered, following the regulations. There was legislation, which was affected and that the political and social coordinates wanted to adapt it
to current times. But, to adapt the improvement of this exercise, the problem of transparency arises, which has been one of the social demands that the public powers must meet. In order to cover this democratic and social demand for public sector contracts and transparency, we have methodologically considered the review and delimitation, which from
the regulatory level has taken place in Spain at the legal level and the consequent control. This entails implications that encompass subjective levels, objective frameworks and formal
procedures, the effects and consequences of which involve the participants and society as a
whole. When considering a projective approach to public sector contracts and transparency, we
have taken into account the normative frameworks with the implications that it entails and we
have excluded the political proposals and demands of the parties, taking into account the
doctrine and the case-law.
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