Statistical confidentiality and personal data protection as limits to the access to public information. Crime statistics

  • Rosa María Tourís López Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad
Keywords: Personal data protection, Statistical confidentiality, Crime statistics, Right of access to public information, Limits


The Statistical Services are in charge of the collection, treatment and systematic ordering of the data required for the exercise of the public statistical function, in many cases dealing with personal data. Hence those Services have to assess and balance the applicability of the rules concerning the State bodies in charge of statistal functions, and, especially, statistical confidentiality when information is requested in accordance with the right of access to information related to statistical crimes´ data, along with the regulations on personal data protection.



How to Cite
Tourís López R. M. . (2024). Statistical confidentiality and personal data protection as limits to the access to public information. Crime statistics . Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 26, 75-97.
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