Knowledge technologies and data journalism: their impact on privacy

  • Rafael del Real Rubio Instituto de Empresa
  • María Luisa Sánchez Calero Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Data, Artificial Intelligence, Privacy, Data Journalism, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


Immersed in the information age as we are, the technology has changed our lives and we are permanently connected through many types of devices. A situation that daily generates a trail of data. This digital fingerprint is undoubtedly being used by external agents to know our habits and choices, which could mean the unfair and illegal use of information about ourselves. The purpose of this paper is to determine the legal risks that may arise in terms of privacy from the lack of transparency in the collection and processing of our data and how the legislative authority in the matter has reacted to this phenomenon. We will analyze how Data Journalism, nowadays booming as a result of the technological revolution in which we are involved, by using the open data made available by the public sector to citizens and the media, can cause breaches of the right to protection of data as a result of the reuse of personal data in the preparation of news. Following this line, through the analysis of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, it will become clear how the necessary balance between technological innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence and respect for citizens values and rights can be achieved. As a result of the analysis, the need to enhance the implementation of the so-called "Governance of Data" will be considered as a fundamental tool to ensure the quality, control and exploitation of citizen´s data and as a guarantee of the compliance of law by the organizations.



How to Cite
del Real Rubio R. . y Sánchez Calero M. L. . (2024). Knowledge technologies and data journalism: their impact on privacy . Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 26, 141-154.
Artículos de fondo