La prensa extranjera entre 1790 y 1910 en las bibliotecas españolas: El caso de la biblioteca

  • Francisco De Zabálburu
  • María Teresa Llera
Keywords: European Press 18th, 19th, 20th centuries, European magazines 18th, French, English and Portuguese Periodic Publications, Zabalburu´s Library, Bibliographic Heritage


This paper to bring to light a set of quite unknown titles and to contribute to recover our bibliographic heritage by locating copies that do not appear in the Periodic Publications Collective Catalogue of the Spanish National Library (Madrid) or in the Municipal Newspaper Library (Madrid). The article presents a study on those newspapers and magazines published out of Spain that are conserved in the Zabálburu library, that is a 18th, 19th and 20th centuries collection. Some of them are rare publications, very scarce or no recorded in another library of our country. Some other copies can also be located in other Spanish Libraries, but all of them deserve our attention due to their significant historical value.


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How to Cite
Zabálburu F. D. y Llera M. T. (2009). La prensa extranjera entre 1790 y 1910 en las bibliotecas españolas: El caso de la biblioteca. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 32, 79-92.