Descripción y análisis de las críticas de arte publicadas por la Gaceta Literaria

  • Fernando García Rodríguez
  • María Victoria Gómezalfeo
Keywords: Art critic, Journalism, Aesthetics, History of the art, Vanguards, The Literary Gazette, Cubism, Picasso, Giménez Gentleman, Literature, Literary critic


Documentation and analysis of the art critics published by “The Literary Gazette”, have periodic biweekly, founded and directed by Ernesto Giménez Caballero, forced referent of the "Generation of the '27." The literary slope has been broadly studied, but its importance, as defender and instigator of the artistic vanguards, and of the art critic, it had not been approached. The critic's function, and of the art critics, he/she finds in their pages an in agreement formulation with the events that are developed in Europe and it supposes a clear positioning of the intellectual minority before the emergent new currents outside of Spain.


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How to Cite
García Rodríguez F. y Gómezalfeo M. V. (2009). Descripción y análisis de las críticas de arte publicadas por la Gaceta Literaria. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 32, 25-50.