Contrasting Perspectives: quantitative comparative analysis of Spain and Brazil's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Google News

análise comparativa quantitativa Espanha e Brasil da cobertura do conflito israelo-palestino no Google News

Keywords: Google News, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, data analysis, natural language processing


Google News is a news aggregation service that collects and provides headlines and news snippets from multiple online sources, utilizing algorithms for organization and delivery based on geographical location, topics of interest, and user preferences. The platform aims to offer a comprehensive overview of historical events and current affairs, including those related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Octo-ber 2023. This article aims to conduct a comparative quantitative study of news delivery about the con-flict by Google News, considering its Spanish and Brazilian versions. The study employs a methodo-logical approach based on exploratory analysis and natural language processing. The results revealed a tendency for Google News España to deliver a smaller proportion of news about the conflict, but with a greater focus on events and actions resulting from the conflict. In contrast, the Brazilian version present-ed a higher proportion of news, mostly involving issues surrounding the conflict.


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Author Biography

Douglas Farias Cordeiro, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Adjunct professor at the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil). Doctor in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (Brazil). Postdoctoral degree in Journalism from the Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal). Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona (Spain).

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How to Cite
Cordeiro D. F. (2024). Contrasting Perspectives: quantitative comparative analysis of Spain and Brazil’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Google News: análise comparativa quantitativa Espanha e Brasil da cobertura do conflito israelo-palestino no Google News. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 47, 15-25.