Summary radio sound documents: considerations, methodological proposal and implementations

  • Francisco-Javier Fernández-Abad Radio Nacional de España
Keywords: journalistic summary, documentary summary, documentary treatment, radio documents, sound documents, radio communication media


The paper tries to settle the status of the matter regarding sound and spoken documentation within content management departments of radio media. The nature of that documentary material is analyzed and the use of the abstract is indicated as an important tool both for knowing the content of the recording and for facilitating its dissemination. The analysis shows the lack of clear regulation on how sound summaries should be written, both in reference works on radio documentation and in works about the documentary abstract, for which a comprehensive proposal for the drafting of abstracts for radio journalism will be drawn up. This proposal will be based on Lasswell's model and on drafting as an inverted pyramid, placing great importance on the oral testimonies in the recordings.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Abad F.-J. (2020). Summary radio sound documents: considerations, methodological proposal and implementations. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 43, 87-93.