Iberoamerican film heritage in open access: complutenses websites "Cinedocnet/Redauvi" (2012-2019…) and Ripdasa project (2019-2022)

  • Alfonso López Lopez Yepes Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Open access, Iberoamerica, Film heritage, Cinedocnet, Redauvi, Ripdasa


The objective is to offer a joint vision on the current situation of cinema in relation to open access and Iberoamerican projection; of film heritage and its positioning and visibility; of the latest technological trends in cinema; of the new profiles and professional roles; of film production in social networks; and, finally, to inform about collaborations and joint investigations in progress. As methodology, we have proceeded to search and consult specialized bibliography, to finally verify that publications on film heritage in open access are very small and very dispersed: it is proved that it is a subject hardly discussed in areas and professional forums specialized in film information management. But it is present in a referenced way in some blogs, portals, channels and social networks, and in this sense some example is the multimedia documentation service own production of the Complutense University: Cinedocnet, Redauvi, RTVDoc. As proposed results, in order to counteract the dispersion and lack of channeling detected to have more complete open access to cinematographic funds and their interconnection, and to complement the aforementioned own production, an IberoAmerican Repository of cinematographic reference sources online is suggested,  created as result of this work and open to permanent update. And also the establishment of an IberoAmerican Network for the digital preservation of sound and audiovisual archives 2019-2022 (Ripdasa), which is already being worked as a result of an research groups project from seven LatinAmerican countries in which Complutense University participates through the library and information management department.


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How to Cite
Lopez Yepes A. L. (2019). Iberoamerican film heritage in open access: complutenses websites "Cinedocnet/Redauvi" (2012-2019…) and Ripdasa project (2019-2022). Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 42, 39-52. https://doi.org/10.5209/dcin.65323