Presence of audiovisual information in Spanish digital newspaper

  • Gloria Durán Pila Universidad de Extremadura. Alumna de Máster Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
  • Jorge Caldera-Serrano Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Información y Comunicación
Keywords: Audiovisual Information, Digital journalism, media hybridization, audiovisual sources, Spanish newspapers online


It is done a study about the major Spanish newspapers on the network in order to define the use of audiovisual information in these media, determining with that the clear hybridization between different formats of traditional media; in the same way it is analyzed the source of these audiovisual pieces to determine if this information is made by itself, it has been acquired from the other media or news agency or it has been obtained directly from the network. The initial hypothesis is validated when observing the presence of this kind of format in the media, being the origin as internal as external.


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How to Cite
Durán Pila G. y Caldera-Serrano J. (2014). Presence of audiovisual information in Spanish digital newspaper. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 37, 221-229.