Encuesta sobre la diseminación e implementación de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia en los Servicios Sociales del Reino Unido

  • Pedro Morago
Keywords: Evidence-Based Practice, Social Work, Social services, EBP dissemination, EBP implementation


A cross sectional UK-wide survey assessed current levels of dissemination and implementation of Evidence- Based Practice (EBP) in social care and social work agencies. A structured questionnaire was e-mailed to 357 agencies of which 155 (43.4%) completed and returned it. Although the results show that EBP in this area is still in its early stages, most respondents reported a good knowledge of EBP as well as the view that professional decisions should be informed by —but not only— research evidence. Lack of time, resources, information and training are identified as the main barriers to be overcome for an effective implementation of EBP in the social services.


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How to Cite
Morago P. (2010). Encuesta sobre la diseminación e implementación de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia en los Servicios Sociales del Reino Unido. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 23, 47-63. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/article/view/CUTS1010110047A